
Growing mushrooms produces a lot of compostable material (straw and sawdust) so I became an avid composter, but what to do with all the compost? Medicinal herb gardens were the obvious answer. Not only do they make good use of the considerable amount of compost the mushrooms produce, but they also benefit from a thick mulch layer of uncomposted spent mushroom substrate. Sometimes after a rainy spell, there are actually mushrooms sprouting amidst the herbs! (Learn more about how I garden here).
When I googled “chaga” all those years ago, I had no idea it would lead me to where I am today. I never imagined I would become a mushroom and herb farmer and be able to quit a frustrating desk job I had resented for 20 years. Every morning I get up feeling like the luckiest person in the world.
If you have questions or comments, I would like to hear them. Please email me at octagonfarm802@gmail.com